Hello, it's been a while since I have posted anything, been busy. I just want to thank all of you for your emails and reponses. It's great keeping in touch with all of you. As for Ruby and I, we are in the process of spring cleaning and getting ready to paint the outside. Anyone wants to help? I just had the water heater replaced, just in time too!
I am getting ready for my yearly Bible Prophecy teachings. This year I am adding some new items to the lectures, using currect news videomedia and powerpoint. It will go for 10 weeks beginning the first tuesday night in March 6:30 pm.
Week 1: Why Study Bible Prophecy?
Week 2: Where are we now in Bible Prophecy...signs of the times..
Week 3: Signs of the Times...continued
Week 4: Beware of false prophets and teachers!!!!
Week 5: Gog-Magog war...who is Gog?
Week 6: Rapture
Week 7: Isreal and the Mideast in Bible Prophecy..
Week 8; Antichrist
Week 9: Second Coming of Christ
Week 10; Millenium, 1000 years of peace...
Continuation after 10 weeks:
Week 11: Judgment Day
Week 12: Babylon (being rebuilt?)
Week 13: Iraq in Bible Prophecy
week 14: The Church in Bible prophecy
Week 15: New Heaven & the New Earth
week 16: What happen after we are in the New heaven/new earth?
Week 17: Questions and answers session...
So much is happening in this ole world today, it's a huge task trying to keep up with it all. I think this year's event will be be quite interesting.
I am preaching on Suday mornings "Spiritual Warfare", started last Sunday with "how to deal with failures." This Sunday I will be preaching on "How to be strong, in the Lord." and next Sunday if the Lord is willing, "How to overcome the flesh and walk in the Spirit." Why do so many Christians struggle with sin in their lives, and no victory in sight? "what is lacking? "Don't blame the devil for it all.", "Remember, It's all about Jesus, that's where your victory lies..."
Sunday night, I am doing a teaching on "Discipleship" What does it take to be a "true" disciple of Jesus Christ? What is the cost of it all?, Is it worth it?. You see, I'm making you think....think about following Jesus the way you and I should... One thing for sure, we can't do it alone!!!
Until next time....Keep looking up!!!! It won't be long!!
Bro. Mike Mullins
Waskom Community Church
Waskom Texas 75692