What a week it was...If you have never been to a Jimmy Swaggart Camp meeting, you need to go, It's not just the services that will inspire you, but also the teaching by the college professors. It reminded me of my Bible college days..., and the opportunities to meet others in Christ from around the world. Ruby and I met people from all over the states and Canada, there were also people from Australa, Africa, UK,too many to name, but most of all, from Heaven itself!!! God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!!!! We had church!!! I believe the JSM singers are the best you will ever hear.
We stayed at the Hyatt Place Hotel, beautiful room. it was more like a studio, loved it, across from the Mall, and 1/2 mile to the church. There was no day classes on Thrusday, so we were able to go spend Thanksgiving with Tim and Becky in New Orleans, had an enjoyable good time. I love my kids and families!!!
One of the exciting news coming from Baton Rouge was the fact that beginning in Januaury, their broadcast will be going to All Mexico, All Central America, and ALL of South America. They are already broadcasting in the Mideastern countries including Iran, iraq, Egypt, Lybia, Lebandon, Syria, UA, Jordan, Ethopia, Turkey and India, and others, I couldn't write fast enough.
We came home Saturday night, and had great services at our church on Sunday, it was an honor to see our son and daughter-in-law, Vanessa and grandkids. Vannessa is back in the hospital today to begin her "last" chemo" treatment, so keep the prayers for her going.
Oh, less I forget, Ruby has a birthday this Saturday (December 6). her ages will be.................sorry, can't tell....!!! Yead, I can, 59!! But she looks like 35..... Love that girl!!!!!, the love of my life.
See ya next time..... Brother Mike
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