Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Greetings, It's been a while. I am posting an article sent to me this morning after the inuaguration of Prseident Obama. It is posted with permission, so feel free to send it on...

Thoughts on the Incoming President
By: John L. Terry, III

“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Whether you voted for Barak Obama or not, he is now the president of the United States. As such, we are admonished that we pray for the president and those who are in leadership positions in this nation. One website has called for the American people to pray that Obama fail as president. Like the rest of us, Obama has a choice to follow the leading of God’s Holy Spirit and make righteous choices or to choose to follow the direction of the sin nature of mankind and go a different course. Much of what he has proposed in speeches leading up to today’s inauguration have given an indication he is choosing to do the latter rather than the former.

My prayer for the president is that he have an experience much like that of Saul on the road to Damascus. That he will have a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ that will embolden him to make righteous, Godly decisions. I pray that God will send men and women across his path that can speak righteousness and holiness, and that these men and women will find favor with the president and speak the Truth to him, in love. I pray that their words would be received and acted upon, and a deaf ear be turned to words of unrighteousness by this president. I pray that the efforts of the enemy, Satan, to use this man and his leadership team for evil would be thwarted and that angels would be dispatched from heaven to disrupt evil plans and purposes and expose them to the light of Truth. I pray that he would revisit his agenda for this nation, and that any part of this agenda that does not line up with the Word of God would not be found to be for the good of the populace and abandoned.

I pray that Barak Obama and this nation prospers, even as their souls prosper in Christ. And I pray that he would turn this president’s heart to you daily and that he be led by the spirit of God to lead this nation as a man after God’s own heart.

I pray that the Church of the Living God would rise up in this generation and leave the confines of their church buildings, boldly reclaiming their place in society as the leaders and role models for the world to follow. I ask the Holy Spirit to bring about a spirit of unity among denominations for the express purpose of sharing the Gospel and raising up a standard of righteousness that calls sin by its name and requires that we measure up the standard of moral excellence as outlined in the Holy Bible. That the church renews its efforts to end abortion, break the bondages of those trapped in homosexuality, alcohol, drug, and other addictions, and be the hand of God extended to those who are hurting and in need.

I pray that a spirit of repentance and revival would come to this nation as we fall to our knees, ask God to forgiveness us for all our shortcomings and failures to obey His principles and precepts, and that He once again would revive us and empower us to do great things in these last days. I pray that the Great Commission would be lived out in the daily lives of everyone who claims Jesus Christ as Savior, and that our deeds would match the words of Christ we share with others. I pray there would be something so unique and appealing in the way that we live out our lives that others would ask us what it is that makes us different from everyone else, opening the door for evangelism and discipleship to take place in the marketplace of life.

I ask God to continue to bless this nation, and that the light of the Gospel would continue to shine from the shores of the United States to the rest of the world as we individually do our part to live our lives as walking, talking, living, breathing Bibles each and every minute of the day. May we individually continue to “Go, Teach, and Make Disciples” as the time before us is short and the return of Christ is at hand.

And I pray that Christ hasten His return to this earth and when He returns that He find faith therein, as He finds it resident, alive and well in each of us.

John Terry
Executive Director
PO Box 640
Russellville AR 72811

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