Friday, January 2, 2009

It's a new year, but that's all. Everything else continues on, prophecy marches on, The world is not going to get any better. Saying all of that

The first Tuesday in March begining at 6:30pm and lasting for 8 weeks, I will be teaching "Signs of the Times" Bible Prophecy, all new material and up to date with current events.

Topics to be discussed:

1. Rapture of the Church
2. False teaching and doctrines in the church today (New updates)
3. Antichrist, false prophet and the beast
4. Gog-Magog War (possible the next war coming at any time).
5. Tribulation
6. Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Judgment day for all
7. Second return of Christ with His saints, Millenium
(the good news, the bad news)

8. The last Battle, New heaven, New Earth

Hope you can make it!! It will be loaded!!!

This weekend, January 9,10 & 11, Donnie Swaggart will be preaching in Springhill, Ill at:
Anchor of Hope Pentecostal Church, 310 First Northwest St. Come if you can!!

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